Sunday, October 16, 2011

Why Outdoor Media is poular

In this discussion we are going to discuss why these non-traditional support media has grown over the years while the traditional advertising has shown decline.  For example newspaper has shown decline because of costs of paper and ink. In all also the fact that many people do not read the newspaper anymore to get their news so a decline in circulation. Also with the internet many local newspapers can be viewed online. Other traditional advertising mediums are found to be very intrusive such as television because the viewer can't control the exposure of advertising. There is alot of clutter as well and many consumes find themselves lost and confused unable to determine the message in which the advertisements are trying to get across to their target market. Radio only reaches specific demographic markets and with the large number of stations the percentage of listeners tuned in are usually very small. There is limited amount of creativity which is the lack of visuals that give the ads appeal and get consumers interested like television ads. However outdoor ads such as billboards are considered less intrusive and more appealing, it provides much better exposure because everywhere you go there are signs and billboards advertising. It provides a wide coverage area of local markets foe example billboards on top of building in New York City provides the exposure to millions of New Yorker to local businesses. Many of these local businesses will benefit because of the large population these billboards would be very effective. Also the cost of using alternative support media are much lower than the traditional for example using the internet to advertise is cheaper than using print media because of the cost of paper and ink. This is why there is a decrease in cirulation of newspapers and magazines. As you can see there is many advantages of support media over the traditonal mediums.

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